Sunday, August 26, 2012


At this moment, while writing this blog post…I am doing something I don’t like to do: getting my hair done. I would rather sit in a dentist chair than spend the many many hours it takes to get my hairconstructed. Why? Because tackling my tresses is a long, arduous process. But when the hair dresser is finished…whew, it is such a relief.

Some thyroid sufferers have escaped the unpleasant symptom of losing your hair and this was not initially a part of my thyroid symptom repertoire, but then sadly, one day it came…my hair kept falling in clumps down the drain.

I am not a vain person, evidenced by the slippers I wear just about everywhere I go (See last year's blog post Clothing Line for the Chronically Ill.) But, I want to look halfway decent, without spending hours on my hair everyday. Do you know how long it takes to do a Donald Trump “comb over” each morning, to cover up those bald areas? Plus, it’s just not a very feminine look.

This is why I have given up on some of my expensive hobbies to afford the various hair extension styles available nowadays. It can be a bit pricey, but for me it is, practical, durable and easy for this girl on the go.

You may have tried to defeat me this time thyroid disease, but I am a formidable foe. I keep coming back with another knockout punch and pretty hair.

Crazy Thyroid Lady

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Well, the Olympics are over. Thank God! Now I can get some sleep. I was so sleep deprived. I could have won a gold medal in crankiness.

I am in awe when I see the super-human type feats executed by these athletes. And then, when I hear that some of these competitors have autoimmune diseases like me, it is astounding.

Diseased Olympiads…what an oxymoron.

But it just goes to show you, no one is immune to the auto-immune atrocities.

These athletes endure their body fighting itself, yet they practice multiple hours in a day. When I am on my third or fourth dream all snuggly in my bed, they are waking up before the sun comes up to begin their training. Just can’t wrap my mind around that…

Here are a few of those ailing athletes who competed at this year’s 2012 Olympics in London:

Tennis -Venus Williams–Sjogren’s syndrome (The body attacks moisture producing glands) Advanced to the third round of the London Olympics.

Kayaking –Carrie Johnson-Crohn’s disease (Inflammation of the digestive tract) Advanced to the semifinals.

Soccer (or women’s football)-Shannon Box-Lupus (The body attacks healthy tissues) Won Gold medal.

Track and Field-Sanya Richards-Ross-Behcet’s Syndrome (Vasculitis leading to ulcers particularly around the mouth, genitals and pupils) Two-time gold medal winner in London.

Track and Field, pole vaulting-Jenn Suhr-Celiac’s disease (hypersensitivity to gluten) Won gold medal.

All of them deserve the gold medal as far as I am concerned.

Crazy Thyroid Lady

Saturday, August 11, 2012


What’s up thyroid fam? I am biting my nails as my new book ("Wow Your Mom Really is Crazy") is under editorial review with my publisher. To keep my sanity (what’s left of it) as this proccess plays out, I’ve started on my second book "Sentenced for Sickness, 215 Years, the Judy Kirby Story". If you are not familiar with Judy Kirby's story, please see these articles:



I am asking for help. If any of my blog readers know anything about this case, please email me at or write to me at P.O. Box 703 Fishers, IN 46038.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Crazy Thyroid Lady.