Sunday, April 7, 2013


Just Keep Swimming
Can be rapped to the rhythm of your choice, if you have someone that can beat box along with you…even better!
The hooks, the hooks they’re all around
Trying to reel me in, trying to make me sin
This disease has me feelin’ like a fish out of water, I wish I could cast spells on it like Harry Potter

I’m a thyroid mutha don’t mess with me,
Trying to avoid the hooks, trying to stay free
Just keep swimming; just keep swimming I can’t put that (Bleep) in my body

Cuz the hooks make me sicker,
The hooks make me quiver,
I am not quicker when the hooks grab my zipper.

What are the hooks, what do they represent?
It’s what makes me operate at 30 percent.
The Gluten
The Sugar
The Processed foods
The alcohol
The Stress –putting me in bad moods
The hooks are negativity
Bad vibes all around me
I’ve been researching the hooks like Madame Curie
If I don’t just keep swimming my body will disagree

I’m a thyroid mutha don’t mess with me,
Trying to avoid the hooks, trying to stay free
Just keep swimming; just keep swimming I can’t put that (Bleep) in my body

 Move over Missy Elliot make room for
The Crazy Thyroid Lady

Don't forget to get your copy of my four-star**** thyroid book on Amazon -Wow Your Mom Really is Crazy