Saturday, March 9, 2013


Top ten ways, you know your thyroid hormone levels are off:

1.  You are watching a television show and during the commercial break, you totally forget what television show you are watching. Hmm…what do I have on… Downton Abbey or CSI?
2. Your arguments with your significant other end in… “Oh whatever.” Because you can’t think of anything else to say.
3. You can’t remember if or when you took your thyroid medication(s), the same medication that will likely help get you back to your normal levels.
4.  You are no match intellectually with your children (or any household pets).
5.  It doesn’t matter what is the forecasted weather, you know, you will either need to wear a parka (hypo) or anything sleeveless (hyper) to work.
6.  You are sleepy in the morning, after coffee, before lunch, during lunch, after lunch and when the sun goes down.
7.  Forgetting something is taken to a whole other level…it is not like something normal like forgetting where you placed your keys. It is like forgetting your address, the ages of your children or the make/model and color of your car.
8.  You are looking, looking…I mean seriously looking…tearing the house apart. You are putting a lot of effort into this organized bloodhound and rescue type-search. This search has been going on for the past 60 minutes…then suddenly on the 62nd minute, you forgot what you were searching for (time for a nap).
9. You look at a simple word like “THE”…cock your head sideways and say, “Is that how you spell that word?”
10.Your train of thought is like the little engine that couldn’t.

 But of course, for me…most of these thyroid hormone-related issues hardly ever happen… because, well… my Endo says my TSH is primarily “within normal range.” (sarcasm)
Crazy Thyroid Lady
What!? You haven't purchased my thyroid book yet? Do it now, it is a quick and easy read. Wow Your Mom Really is Crazy


  1. You have described me to a T! I was starting to think it was early onset Alzheimer's. I even asked my primary doc and she said they wouldn't even test me for dementia until I was in my sixties and that I must be stressed out! They keep telling me my thyroid normals are fine...:( Sigh...what to do, what to do...

    1. I'm 47 and got tested for dementia x

    2. Hello Angie,
      What were your results? I heard on the Doctor Oz show a few years ago that people who suffer from forgetfullness should be tested for dementia or there is a test to detect if the person is a candidate for the possibility of getting dementia. I will research that test and posted here.

  2. Yep. All my life I'd never excelled with anything except my mind and since Graves' started up it is under threat - all while at "normal" levels.

  3. I can relate so well... especially to the fact that I cannot possibly be having ANY symptoms because my numbers look so good!

  4. Perfect-Would love to hang that on my wall and pocket size to hand out when fogged. Loved your book-got it on my Kindle-I was giggling out loud and could definitely relate. Thanks for your efforts-xmas cards max me out anymore and that is with no personal notes!!!

    1. Thanks for your comment and for buying my book, glad you enjoyed it

  5. Great post, Carol! Really made me giggle:-).



  6. Hilarious! Thank AGAIN for making me smile :)

  7. First, I just happened onto your blog and I love it so much I bookmarked it! Can you refer me to a place that lists all the lab tests I need to clarify if I have hypothyroidism or Hashis? Also, is there someplace that has an accurate list of foods and supplements/herbs to use and those to avoid. Finally, my internist is not cutting it with regard to treatment. Should I no the naturopathic route or stick with a M.D or D.O recommended in the list from Mary Shomon. I am new to all this. Thanks a bunch!

  8. I laughed so hard, I cried. Thank you!

  9. Hi! I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the funny stuff you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon. Have you got any RRS feed? Can't find it...

  10. it made me think ty the lone wolf
