Sunday, October 13, 2013


Forum - an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the disscusion fo questions of public interest.

Thread - A set of posts on a forum, composed of an initial post about a topic and all responses to it.

If you've vistied a social media forum for those with thyroid conditions, you've probably read, started or contributed to some "forum fighting". Unfortunately, a little non-love can break out at any moment in these support groups. But, I hope this doesn't deter you from going back because, for the most part, there's a lot of great information and camarderie amongst these groups.
If you want to stay away from any forum fighting, these are the things to avoid:
The MAIN three topics to avoid in a thyroid forum:
     1. Healthy diet - DIET is the most horrendous four-letter word, don't ever bring up eating a healthy diet...EVER!

     2. Exercise
     3. Saying, "You may not feel well even after conventional treatments" - ... adding that it may take a lifestyle change. Ooohhh these are figting words.

Also avoid:

     1. Not answering the initial question on a forum post.
          Q. How much vitamin D do you all take?

           A. You should talk to your doctor.(This response is frustrating because this may be the same doctor who refuses to test their T3, what do you think they are going to say about vitamin D...nada)

     2. Telling someone to "Do their research" - Can come across as dissmissive and condescending. Getting on the forums and asking questions could be a part of their research.

     3. Telling someone to "Talk to their doctor" - I'm pretty sure you won't get sued if you decide not to use this disclaimer on an internet thyroid forum.

     4. Using harsh tones when you are passionate about a subject.

          Q: I'm thinking about getting my thyroid removed, has anyone had this done? Please tell me your experience.

          A: Why in the world would you do this to yourself? I would never do this!

     5. People who are looking for personal experiences and are bombarded by Googled links (This may also fall into category of not answering the question)

          Q. Has anyone tried CoQ10, if so, how did it make you feel (keywords here are "how did it make YOU feel".)

          A. Check out

     6. Advice being offered from someone who doesn't have a thyroid condition - "My favorite cousin's best friend's sister has thyroid disesae and she is fine because she meditates while listening to a CD called Desert Sands twice a week".

     7. Thread "hijacking" or changing the subject - I've seen this act draw the ire of many many people. I personally don't get mad at this because "attention deficit" is what most of us thyroidians do best, watch how quickly a thread can shift subjects, it can be quite comical.

Remember to not say things like:

"In my opinion" (inserting the word "humble" will only make things worse. Ever notice that the people who use the world humble in this phrase...aren't?)

 "Just my point of view"

"This is what think"

Please note: You are probably wrong anyway...ya know...with your brain fog and all, so try not to have a point of view or an opinion.

There you have it, reasons for forum fighting (in my humble opinion). Please don't ever think that the extreme hormonal shifts we suffer from or the mood swings, the fatigue, seeing someone eat junk food and not gain a pound, joint pain or our general malaise has anything to do with the arguments on these forums, on the contrary, it is because of all those scenarios I've mentioned above.

I'll bet the forums having to do with politics or religion don't have the same kind of melees we have.

Kidding aside, I've been a part of many thyroid forums for several years now, and yes an argument breaks out now and then, but this has not deterred me from staying on them. I have met some of the most beautiful, amazing and strong individuals. They have helped me through some tough times. Yes we fight, but we also laugh and cry together. I need my time with these supporters because at the end of the day, they are the ones in my life who get it.