Saturday, September 24, 2011


I have been called a hypochondriac by acquaintances, family members, co-workers and friends…like…OMG abazillion times!!! I’ve also heard “Are you sure it is not all in your head, or could it be psychosomatic??

Often times, these are people who barely know me or family members with whom I am not very close. But those who are very close to me and have said this…it really hurts.

After ten years of hearing these folks “ diagnose” me, I FINALLY received a clinical one –An autoimmune disease affecting my thyroid, I wanted to go back to all those people and say SEE…HAHAHA…I TOLD YOU SO!!...YEA!!...oh…umm…wait a minute!?

Anyway, I am not sure why folks are so quick to call a person a freaking Looney Tunes instead of believing there is really something physically wrong with them.

Society loves to SMACK extreme labels on people and it is usually a severe mental health disorder…have you noticed this?? For example:

Someone who:

…Is moody has Dissociated Identity Disorder
…Is the life of the party… is an Alcoholic
…Falls asleep while watching TV is a Narcoleptic
…Is skinny has Anorexia Nervosa
…Frowns has clinical depression
…Frowns on a cloudy day has Seasonal Affective Disorder
…Has a chronic illnesses (diagnosed or undiagnosed) is a Hypochondriac.

Soooooo ridiculous!!!

Do we throw these “buzz” medical terms around just because we can? Just because we’ve heard of them? This reminds me of a small child blurting out an offensive four-lettered word for the first time. The little tot (hopefully) has no idea what they are saying or the meaning behind the word. They just repeat what they’ve heard.

If you look up these terms hypochondriac, dissociated identity disorder, anorexia, etc., they are REAL disorders, but because of their severity, I am pretty sure quick glances and conversations should not bring about a clinical determination. I wouldn’t even want an MD to do this!

If I’ve really got something…test me, poke, me, prod me (the doctor)...not my acquaintances, family members, co-workers, etc.

Also, if a person wants to give THEMSELVES an extreme diagnosis label…that is OK they have the right. If I want to call myself fat, I can. No one else should! (Hubby are you reading this??…You cannot call me FAT!)

Be sensitive to others…think before you give someone your “medical” opinion.

Crazy Thyroid Lady

Don't forget to get your copy of my thyroid book Wow Your Mom Really is Crazy


  1. OMG I can so totally relate to this!! I've been called a hypochondriac more times than I wish to think about!! It is a label mostly used by people who have NO idea what they are talking about or how hurtful it is. But, the way I think now, I know the truth, those closest to me know the truth and no one else really matters!!

  2. My gp from many years ago did'nt actually come out with 'that' word Hypochondriac, although it was always on the end of his tounge, he probably thought ''best not say that !'' He would have got what was on the end of MY tounge, if he had, especially after months of returning to see him & NO diagnosis. Thinking I'de take the BULL by the horns, I wrote a history & a list of Symtoms. When i finally collapsed on his floor, he then went on to forward my list to a Pyschiatrist, who went on to diagnose me. At long last, i hear you think, wait 4 it. ! HE diagnosed me with a psyciatric condition called Hypochondriasis. He got the Hypo bit right, only it was Hypo-thyroidisim.

    1. LOL...that is funny! I am glad you finally received the RIGHT diagnosis!

