Saturday, December 17, 2011

THYROID SURVEY given by The Crazy Thyroid Lady ™

Hi guys,

Well, I am sure you will be shocked and amazed to hear my government did not respond to the recent letter I sent (see my blog November 27, 2011 My Letter to the Government). Don’t they understand thyroid sufferers are impatient and have no time for bureaucracy?

Hmmmpt! Well, I’ve decided to conduct my own THYROID SURVEY!

Take that government, medical and scientific community, welcome to the 21st-century in the age of social networking! Bureaucracy shureacracy!

If you want to find us, we are here!

The Crazy Thyroid Lady appreciates any and all comments received with regard to my blog, I love you all! But I think some missed my point. There very well may be a link between thyroid disease and gout. There may also be a connection between thyroid disease and anxiety, thyroid disease and fatigue, thyroid disease and brain fog, also thyroid disease and Kevin Bacon.

Having said this, I still do not believe a trustworthy survey should lump “thyroid disease and gout” in the same question on a questionnaire survey, especially If the attempt is to find out how many of us sufferers are in the world.

It is OK however, to offer this question:

"Do you have thyroid disease or have ever met or seen Kevin Bacon?"

Tee hee...Kidding aside…Would you please click on either links in the upper right corner. If you have a facebook account, you can go on the facebook link or click on the survey monkey link....Remember this is an anonymous survey!!


Please pass this survey along to other thyroid sufferers as well.


Crazy Thyroid Lady

Don't forget to get your copy of my thyroid book Wow Your Mom Really is Crazy


  1. There may also be a link between Celiac's Disease & thyroid Gluten sensitivity can cause a myriad of symptoms that get misdiagnosed same as thyroid having a major effect on all of our endocrine system. @PhotoArtMom

  2. I've gone on gluten free diet and feel so much better as well. The hospital identified no allergies and ruled out any further testing :( Most of the allegies I've developed are due to thyroid and poor adrenal functions.
