Saturday, March 24, 2012


I work outside of the home five days a week. If you include my commute, I could easily be in “work mode” more than ten hours each day. If I don’t use those ten hours wisely, then by Friday-after work, I’m in bed faster than you can say “It’s the weekend!”

Seriously, I am just one big blur from my office door to my mattress at home. Some people spend Friday evening rockin’ to music during happy hour at their local pub, for me, if it has been a stressful, crazy week it’s rockabye baby!

I don’t want it to be like this! The weekends are supposed to be reserved for family, friends, fun and frolic.

To avoid coming down with my case of the “Fridays” I’ve come up with some ways to avoid this, and decided to pass it along to my thyroid family.

1. GO TO BED AT A DECENT TIME EACH NIGHT-I have found after contracting a thyroid disorder, I require more sleep. Therefore, I make sure I catch the right amount of zzzzz’s each night. To ensure a quality night’s sleep it is important to get exercise, eat a proper diet (not eating close to bedtime) and try to go to bed around the same time each night.

2. TIME MANAGEMENT-Create a daily “to do” list. This is a must for me, can’t rely on my memory anymore to get things done, sadly…those days are over. Plus, forgetting some important daily chores can cause unnecessary stress and stress can prevent a good night’s sleep.

3. WHY SO SERIOUS? – Chill out! You don’t have to be the office buffoon by putting fish in the water cooler or super gluing everything to the boss’s desk (this is not an admission of guilt in anyway) however, being way too serious all the time can cause an excess of worry, anxiety and depression. Those three things can lead to poor decision making.

4. TAKE A FEW MINI BREAKS-My workload is so large that taking too many breaks throughout the day would cause me an insurmountable amount of stress. I have to be careful not step away too many times, but at the same time, it is important to take a breather every once in a while.

5. AVOID THE COMPANY EMOTIONAL VAMPIRE-I know you have one! They lurk in every office. It gives these people great pleasure to see you in distress and they make it their mission to try to find ways to suck more of the life out of you. The best way to slay this person is to NOT let them get to you. Easier said than done, I know (especially if this is management) but the sooner you show this person that your “blood” is not available, they will seek out another victim.

There you have it!! It’s only five days but it can seem like a month if those days are filled with stress and monotony.

Make the most out of the week and create a STRONG Friday finish!

Love ya

Crazy Thyroid Lady!


  1. Love this! SO important to keep these things in mind all the time - of course since my memory is being held hostage by my thyroid, they are easy to forget :) I am going to bookmark this and remind myself of these things often.

  2. Thanks for reading and the nice comment, Zen. I know my memory is shot all to hell also! I am constantly writing myself notes for reminders.
