Saturday, March 3, 2012


EXERCISE! This word is not foreign to the thyroid sufferer I’m sure, especially for those on the Hypo-side.

“Just exercise” That’s¬all we need to do right? Well, the Crazy Thyroid Lady says that is what you need to do-Exercise!

Exercise your brain that is…cognitive calisthenics is what us thyroidians need because our brains can be affected by thyroid disorders…Why? I have absolutely no idea…and I am convinced my Endo doesn’t know either because when I ask her, “Why my cognitive abilities have diminished since obtaining a thyroid disease?” She does some tricky word-wrangling to make me forget what I was even asking her about. Similar to when my son, at eight-years old asked me what erectile dysfunction meant…darn television commercials.

I am really no match for my Endo and she knows it. It’s just not a fair fight, I am tired of her kicking sand in my face! And so, since I can’t get a clear explanation from my Endo, I’ve decided to do my own research. Then, maybe, if I can get my brain working right again, I can show my Endo a thing or two.

After researching, here’s what I came up with–Why the brain goes wonky, in the only way the Crazy Thyroid Lady can explain.

The thyroid has many jobs, but the main ones are WIFE and MOTHER

WIFE –The wife (the thyroid) is to send the right messages to the husband (who is the brain…ugh it is so difficult for me to say that, but this is for illustration purposes only). If the husband and wife are NOT communicating back and forth properly, there will be a breakdown in the relationship. – The thyroid and brain communicate with one another.

MOTHER-It is a mother’s (thyroid) job to teach and to pass on to the child (who is the brain in this example, and let me tell you my little man is definitely the brains in our household) good manners, discipline, morals, values and love. If your child doesn’t receive a good upbringing they will have trouble functioning. – The thyroid’s job is to send nutrients to the brain.

So there you have it…Now…ALL RIGHT YOU MAGGOTS!! DROP AND GIVE ME 10
This is your challenge for the week, try to do ten mental muscle repetitions for example, 10 crosswords, Sudoku, brain teasers or try to read something complicated, something out of your comfort zone.

PLUS – Try to incorporate 10 servings or more of fruits and veggies a day

Do I do any of this?...NO, but I’m gonna start. I have to face my nemesis three months from now (my next Endo’s appt) better equipped to go the distance with her…da da dum, da da dum d’da d’da da da da dum da dum (Rocky music)


  1. Love this...I as a newbie into the land of organs fighting among each other am glad to know there are more of us with a wicked sense of humor.

    I have diabetes for 16 years and guess my thyroid got jealous of the attention my liver and pancreas always got so it decided to act up also and give me hyperthyroid, bad enough I am an old lady who was called the energizer bunny should see me go now lol

    1. Thanks for readling! I appreciate all comments and WOW diabetes AND Hyperthyroid...EEEKK!!!

  2. Roflmao.....yeah that's what I thought also
